Nanogames has activated a dice tournament called “King for the Ranking”. Top 10 players will get rewards (bets on total ranking monthly) on this campaign.
Nanogames Bonus=1% of total betting amount*0.75% (accumulated by day for each type of currencies and monthly recalculated).
Top 10 players will get rewards (bets on total ranking monthly). Reward issue day is the first day of the following month, which will be informed in the chat room by Nanogames official customer service.
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Nanogames King for the Ranking Info
- Bonus=1% of total betting amount*0.75%(accumulated by day for each type of currencies and monthly recalculate).
- Top 10 players will get reward (bets on total ranking monthly).
- Please check monthly total ranking list for bonus amount (update once a day).
- Reward issue day is the first day of the following month, which will be informed in the chat room by Nanogames’s official customer service.