Crypto casino and sports betting giant BC.Game welcomes new users with a 200% Sports Bet bonus to celebrate the sponsorship agreement with Leicester City Football Club! The sports bet bonus for the new users is valid until May 25, 2025, and the participants can get a bonus of up to $500 at BC.Game! So, if you are interested in the promotion or want to know more about BC.Game in general, here are all the details you need.
BC.Game and Leicester City Football Club have signed a sponsorship deal, and to celebrate it, BC.Game is offering a 200% up to $500 sports bet bonus to all newly registered players!
Use the BCLCFC bonus code during the registration to activate the bonus, and then verify your email address. Place a sports bet with a minimum wager of $1 and receive a sports bet bonus of 200% of your wager.
BC.Game is a Curacao-licensed crypto-gambling site that has been providing services to BitPunters since 2019. The site is available in 18 languages and is also a member of the Crypto Gambling Foundation. There is a wide range of betting options with a casino and a sportsbook in BC.Game, and the site accepts over 50 cryptocurrencies for deposits. So, if you are interested in the site, you can use Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and more to gamble.
BC-Game 200% Sports Bet Bonus Rewards
BC-Game is offering a 200% up to $500 sports bet bonus to all newly registered players!
BC-Game 200% Sports Bet Bonus Rules
- The minimum bet amount is $1 or the equivalent in other currencies.
- The winnings from this promotion require 10 times wagering.